Lately, I have been obsessed with these beautiful pink bushes. They are everywhere in my neighborhood and I just stand in front of them and admire the gorgeous color.I am in love with Nashville’s weather. It is perfect! It’s almost like a drug I cannot get enough of. I want to walk and walk forever. It feels so good to be outside and I am so grateful for my healthy legs.Blue skies, green fields and I am singing along to THE MAINE. Does anyone know them?Some of my favorite meal creations these days. I can’t get enough of berries and nuts. I am also loving steel-cut oats with coconut oil. Can be breakfast or dinner, right?I am learning to love braids again. Messy fishtail braids are my favorite.Speaking of messy… my garage after the girls went back to college. It was an 8-hour clean up job.Found a stack of jeans next to the Christmas decorations.Teddy has been extra alert lately. Could be his new food. When he sees me put on my slip-ons, he gets super excited and runs back and forth.Billy, on the other hand, has been sooo lazy. I have to carry him outside and half way on our walk he just stops and refuses to go any further. Luckily, he only weighs six pounds or I’d be in trouble. But he loves to cuddle and never misses an opportunity to sit on my lap.Teddy’s new favorite spot makes me chuckle because he tries to get to the wall as close as possible. Maybe the walls are “talking” to him, telling him secrets.
Have a great weekend! xo Sabine
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